Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Annotated Bibliography

Gary, Patrick. “Censorship by the free-speech generation.” National Forum. 75.2 (1995):29. 22 June 2009.
This is an article that discusses free speech censorship in universities and colleges in the United States. The author stresses on the negative effects of political correctness and the fact that it is unwise for more and more colleges to set up speech codes. Gary proposes that the intolerance of free speech and the existence of extreme political correctness are definitely not the solutions to solve the prejudice in our society, because instead of being willing to discuss the issues freely and seek for a common ground, we bury the problems deep in our hearts. This source can be one of my examples for the thesis since it is anti-political-correctness, and I plan on quoting from this article when I state the reason why political correctness is harmful to higher education and has changed throughout years.

Gilroy, Marilyn. “Colleges Grappling with Incivility.” Education Digest. 74.4 (2008): 36-40. 22 June 2009.
This article talks about how political correctness and limitation of free speech started in various universities. It states the purpose is to encourage personal responsibility and to prevent hate speech or any type of politically incorrect speeches. This source is going to bring insightful materials and examples to my paper when I have to write the counter argument of my thesis and talk about why political correctness and speech code seem to be so important in our higher
education system nowadays and why advocates would consider it as an important measure to take in order to prevent harassments suits or hate crimes.

Giobbe, Dorothy. “Political Correctness.” Editor & Publisher. 127.43 (1994): 13. 22 June 2009.
This article presents the opinion of journalists in the United States about the new word, “political correctness”. It directly shows the concerns and critics of political correctness by quoting from different journalists who write for famous publications. For instance, Amity Shales, editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal defined “political correctness” as “a sense of airlessness…that is the opposite of tolerance…” Meanwhile, another journalist strikes a similar view on the term. Juan Gonzales, columnist for New York Daily News said, “Politcial correctness is a label foisted on dissident voices by those who want to maintain the mainstream views in the media and education. This source is extremely useful and important to my paper as my thesis is about how political correctness has gone too far and lost its purpose. I plan on using it to support my argument by quoting what the journalists said.

Greene, Linda. "Radical discourse, hate speech, and political correctness." National Forum. 75.2 (1995): 32. 21 June 2009.
This source is an article from a scholarly journal named National Forum. The author Linda Greene starts the topic by telling the origin of political correctness and how it was applied in the very beginning as it was aimed to control and prevent racial harassment. She always write about how anti-political-correctness advocates forget what the goal of political correctness is because they “want to privatize the question of liberty of an individual to speak freely” and “historical victims bear the costs of this privatization policy”. This source proves useful as it can be used as a counter-argument because Linda Greene’s main argument is focused on in what ways political correctness has benefited and why people should not be against it or think it is taken too far, and I plan on using this source to show one of the points the opposites will attack my thesis with.

Grey, Thomas. “Slogans, amens, and speech codes.” Academic Questions. 10.3 (1997): 18. 22 June 2009.
This source supports the need of regulation on free speech in universities. Grey proposes that this ideal because he believes it can avoid the possibility of addressing harassing statements on campuses. As long as it is legitimate and reasonable, he suggests that may put a stop on harassments of students on a discriminatory ground. However, Grey insists that it is necessary for the board to provide guidelines of what political correctness should end at and what criteria it gives to every student, so that way students’ constitutional right will not be taken away from them. Since this article is on the pro side, it surely can be used as one of the opposite argument for my paper, and I plan on using it to talk about what the other side of the table considers as benefits if such regulation of free speech exists.

Paulin, Tom. “Political Correctness Grips Nation’s Colleges.” Human Events. 59.2 (2003): 16. 22 June 2009.
This articles lists quite a number of controversial events that has taken place in different universities and campuses in the United States. The events provided will surely help my argument as I am going to discuss about the dangers of political correctness and limiting free speech is causing the higher education. While Americans are promoting tolerance and the need of political correctness on campuses for this generation of students, it is very important to take a look at the problems the ideal has caused. Since they are real and very reliable, I believe the will strengthen my thesis and help me emphasize the points that I will be making.

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